Friday, July 5, 2013

First Time Con Goer Questions

What Convention should go to?
Local conventions can be small but they help you gain good experience for bigger cons.
Here is a list of comic conventions in the US. Find local ones or big ones close

Do a lot of people dress up?
YES! Don't be afraid to cosplay. If you are walking outside and it looks like there are no cosplayers, don't freak out. When you get inside there will be hundreds of them.

Should I let people take pictures of me?
YES! THat is half the fun. People will come up to you and ask "Can I get a picture?", this is when you strike a pose and have fun with it.

Should I enter the Costume Contest?
Totally! Even if your costume isn't the best, people will appreciate you got on stage. When on stage don't feel rushed, strike a few poses before going on leaving enough time for people to take pictures.

What should I do to prepare for a Con?
If you are going to a bigger con and staying at a hotel make a checklist of the components of your cosplay. This will ensure you don't forget a pics of your costume when you leave home and the hotel.
Plan ahead. Go to the cons website and find the schedule  Look for panels of contests you may want to do and budget your time. Also visit to see if there are any photshoots planed for your type of costume.
Some Cons will have sign up ahead for things like costume contests, parades and more, so check their website to make sure you don't miss out.

If you have any more questions please ask in the comments!

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